Пример скрипта автоматической настройки dummynet во FreeBSD [2008] (Часть 1)
Автоматический скрипт настройки firewall (ipfw) + shaper (dummynet) для двух-интерфейсной шлюзловой машины под FreeBSD. Данный скрипт расчитан на то, что кроме интернет шлюза, других сервисов на машине нет - иначе придется сделать соответствующие изменения в фаерволе. В скрипт включена поддержка шейпера dummynet. Вся конфигурация выполняется в виде списков доступа, что упрощает настройку фаервола неопытным пользователем, также предусмотрена некоторая оптимизация, отключающая неиспользуемые правила. Дополнительно реализованно несколько полезных с хозяйстве вешей (см. ниже коментарии в самом скрипте). В остальном скрипт базируется на стандартном /etc/rc.firewall.
Что касается использования dummynet: настройка каналов может быть не оптимальной, но как рабочий вариант вполне годится (man ipfw, man dummynet по вопросам тюнинга).
В крипте используется дуплексная эмуляция канала с отдельной настройкой ширины в каждом напрвлении, с последующей группировкой пользовательких каналов в коллективную трубу. Возможна группировка ip адрессов пользователей в произвольное количество групп (в скрипте реализовано 3 группы, количество групп несложно увеличить) с возможностью дальнейшего задания толщины канала для каждой группы индивидуально.
И кое-что ещо - смотрите коментарии скрипта.
Скрипт приведен с примером рабочей конфигурации (ip адреса вымышленные).
P.S. может комуто понравится или даже поможет :)
# /etc/rc.firewall # Firewall (ipfw) + shaper (dummynet) for gateway host (with natd) # Automated ipfw setup script for FreeBSD # v 0.7 # (CopyLeft) Pavel Ustyugov aka Pahanivo # ################################################################################ # # !!! WARNING !!! # # Misconfiguring the firewall can put your computer in an unusable state, # possibly shutting down network services and requiring console access to # regain control of it. # ################################################################################ # # Usage: # make your own settings # copy this file to /etc/rc.firewall # cd /etc # ./netstart & # # For testing use (only show list of rules, do not apply # onto current firewall): # cd /etc # chmod 744 rc.firewall # ./rc.firewall testmode # Warning: if you run ./rc.firewall without arguments or with any other # arguments - firewall will reloaded and settings will apllied. # ################################################################################ # # Before use this firewall you need to compile kernel with options: # (or load some as module) # # #IPFW (required) # options IPFIREWALL # #enable verbose mode (for `log` options, optional) # options IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE # #enable forward rules (optional) # options IPFIREWALL_FORWARD # #default rule - allow any to any (optional) # options IPFIREWALL_DEFAULT_TO_ACCEPT # # #divert socket (required for natd) # options IPDIVERT # # #dummynet shaper (required, if you want use shaper) # options DUMMYNET # #enable device polling (recomended) # #you need enable polling on interface too - man polling # options DEVICE_POLLING # #pooling frequency (strongly recomended) # options HZ=1000 (or HZ=2000) # ################################################################################ # # Shaper scheme (for incoming traffice) # ############################## # # --------------------external interface / incoming traffic--------------------- # > > # > Unrestricted external resources group > # > res1->all_users >=================== unlimit ====================> > # > res2->all_users >=================== unlimit ====================> > # > ... > # > > # > Unrestricted users group > # > internet->users1 >================== unlimit ====================> > # I internet->users2 >================== unlimit ====================> > # N ... > # C > # O Restricted external resources groups > # M Group 1 ---+ > # I res1_1->all_users \ \ > # N res1_2->all_users >==2048Kbit/s per user==> \ > # G res1_3->all_users / +-----------------\ > # > Group 2 10240Kbit/s total > > # > res2_1->all_users \ +-----------------/ > # > res2_2->all_users >==1024Kbit/s per user==> / > # T res3_3->all_users / / > # R ... ---+ > # A > # F Restricted users groups > # F Group 1 ---+ > # I internet->user1_1 \ \ > # C internet->user1_2 >==128Kbit/s per user==> \ > # > internet->user1_3 / +-----------------\ > # > Group 2 1024Kbit/s total > > # > internet->user2_1 \ +-----------------/ > # > internet->user2_2 >==256Kbit/s per user==> / > # > internet->user2_3 / / > # > ... ---+ > # > > # > Other ungrouped traffic >============= unlimit ====================> > # > > # --------------------external interface / incoming traffic--------------------- # # Scheme for outgoing traffic absolutely analogous, but outgoing shaper work # on internal interface and all traffic directions in scheme is inverted. # Traffic bw for incoming and outgoing shapers setup separately. # ################################################################################ # Setup ################################################################################
#Prepare to work ##############################
#Before use this script - recomend to set net.inet.ip.fw.autoinc_step=5 #or less. Use sysctl or /etc/sysctl.conf
#ACL - list of allowed (or denied) IPs or newtworks in CIDR notation #ACL may contain comments, but any comments in ACL must begin from `#` #and not contain any space chars (because ACL process by word). #ACLs maybe used in any script's loop (see below). #Any of this ACLs maybe loaded from file. Use "`cat /path/file_name`" #command inside ACL for loading from file. #Example: # pass_lan_users_acl=" # # # `cat /etc/ALLOWED_USERS` # "
#Denied external hosts
#You can use this for stoping attacks from outside. deny_wan_hosts_acl=" #flooder "
#From LAN to Internet access
#Denied IPs process before allowed. Access allowed for all IPs in #allowed ACL except IPs in denied ACL.
#Denied LAN users deny_lan_users_acl=" #stupids "
#Allowed LAN users pass_lan_users_acl=" "
#Anti-spambot protection
#Reject all incoming connection from LAN to any external SMTP servers, #except allowed servers (yes or no) anti_spambot_enable="yes"
#Allowed SMTP servers #If this ACL empty, anti-spambot feature will automatically disabled, #and traffic to any SMTP servers will allowed. anti_spambot_allowed_servers_acl=" #own_smtp_relay #own_smtp_relay #provider_smtp_relay "
#SSH access to this server from outside pass_ssh_acl=" #admin1 #admin2 "
#Shaper's ACLs
#Enable shaper (yes or no) shaper_enable="yes"
#Not shaped external resouces #All LAN users will have unlimited bw to and from this IPs. not_shaped_ext_res_acl=" #own_smtp_relay #own_smtp_relay #provider_smtp_relay "
#Not shaped users #This users will have unlimit bw from and to any. not_shaped_users_acl=" #Admin's_net "
#Shaped external resources - similarly to `shaped user` (see below), but for #specific external hosts only. Traffic match this shaper not process by #`shaped user`.
#External resource group 1 shaped_ext_res_g1_name="own_dataservers" shaped_ext_res_g1_acl=" #own_dataservers "
#External resource group 3 shaped_ext_res_g3_name="servers_3" shaped_ext_res_g3_acl=" "
#Add more groups below #...
#Shaped users - will have restricted bw. Other allowed users will have unlimit #bw from any to any (except shaped external resources). Shaped users separated #by groups. See below for restrictions setup for all groups. #Groups process in succession: group 1, group 2 etc. Inside group IPs process #in list order. Once processed IP (or subnet) will not process more. #Because overlaps in group and between groups not a problem.
#User group 1 shaped_users_g1_name="slow" shaped_users_g1_acl=" #looosers "
#User group 2 shaped_users_g2_name="fast" shaped_users_g2_acl=" #BOSS "
#User group 3 shaped_users_g3_name="default" shaped_users_g3_acl=" "
#External resources group 1 #Pipe's number shaped_ext_res_g1_pipe_num_in="1011" shaped_ext_res_g1_pipe_num_out="1012" #BW shaped_ext_res_g1_bw_in="3Mbit/s" shaped_ext_res_g1_bw_out="3Mbit/s" #Queue size, in slots or KBytes (see man ipfw). shaped_ext_res_g1_q_in="50" shaped_ext_res_g1_q_out="50"
#External resources group 2 #Pipe's number shaped_ext_res_g2_pipe_num_in="1021" shaped_ext_res_g2_pipe_num_out="1022" #BW shaped_ext_res_g2_bw_in="1024Kbit/s" shaped_ext_res_g2_bw_out="1024Kbit/s" #Queue size, in slots or KBytes (see man ipfw). shaped_ext_res_g2_q_in="50" shaped_ext_res_g2_q_out="50"
#External resources group 3 #Pipe's number shaped_ext_res_g3_pipe_num_in="1031" shaped_ext_res_g3_pipe_num_out="1032" #BW shaped_ext_res_g3_bw_in="512Kbit/s" shaped_ext_res_g3_bw_out="512Kbit/s" #Queue size, in slots or KBytes (see man ipfw). shaped_ext_res_g3_q_in="40" shaped_ext_res_g3_q_out="40"
#Add more groups below #...
#Collective external resource's pipe (max allowed summary bw for #external resources, except not shaped). #Pipe's number sum_shaped_ext_res_pipe_num_in="1901" sum_shaped_ext_res_pipe_num_out="1902" #BW sum_shaped_ext_res_bw_in="6Mbit/s" sum_shaped_ext_res_bw_out="6Mbit/s" #Queue size, in slots or KBytes (see man ipfw) sum_shaped_ext_res_q_in="50" sum_shaped_ext_res_q_out="50"
#Personal pipe for each user (with separate by group)
#User group 1 #Pipe's number shaped_users_g1_pipe_num_in="2011" shaped_users_g1_pipe_num_out="2012" #BW shaped_users_g1_bw_in="160Kbit/s" shaped_users_g1_bw_out="160Kbit/s" #Queue size, in slots or KBytes (see man ipfw). shaped_users_g1_q_in="18" shaped_users_g1_q_out="18"
#User group 2 #Pipe's number shaped_users_g2_pipe_num_in="2021" shaped_users_g2_pipe_num_out="2022" #BW shaped_users_g2_bw_in="512Kbit/s" shaped_users_g2_bw_out="512Kbit/s" #Queue size, in slots or KBytes (see man ipfw). shaped_users_g2_q_in="40" shaped_users_g2_q_out="40"
#User group 3 #Pipe's number shaped_users_g3_pipe_num_in="2031" shaped_users_g3_pipe_num_out="2032" #BW shaped_users_g3_bw_in="256Kbit/s" shaped_users_g3_bw_out="256Kbit/s" #Queue size, in slots or KBytes (see man ipfw). shaped_users_g3_q_in="25" shaped_users_g3_q_out="25"
#Add more groups below #...
#Collective user's pipe (max allowed summary bw for users, except not #shaped). #Pipe's number sum_shaped_users_pipe_num_in="2901" sum_shaped_users_pipe_num_out="2902" #BW sum_shaped_users_bw_in="768Kbit/s" sum_shaped_users_bw_out="768Kbit/s" #Queue size, in slots or KBytes (see man ipfw) sum_shaped_users_q_in="50" sum_shaped_users_q_out="50"
#All ipfw rules split onto section. First rule in each section #begin from fixed number. All other rules will numbers by ipfw, consider #net.inet.ip.fw.autoinc_step. This script use `skipto` rules, because #needs for fixed number. Usually you don't need to change this values, #if you have problems this large quantity of rules only.
for loop in \ ${shaped_ext_res_g1_acl} \ ${shaped_ext_res_g2_acl} \ ${shaped_ext_res_g3_acl} do echo $loop | ${grep_cmd} -v "^#" > ${dev_null} if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then shaped_ext_res_ne_flag="yes" break fi done
for loop in \ ${shaped_users_g1_acl} \ ${shaped_users_g2_acl} \ ${shaped_users_g3_acl} do echo $loop | ${grep_cmd} -v "^#" > ${dev_null} if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then shaped_users_ne_flag="yes" break fi done
for loop in ${anti_spambot_allowed_servers_acl} do echo $loop | ${grep_cmd} -v "^#" > ${dev_null} if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then anti_spambot_allowed_servers_ne_flag="yes" break fi done
if [ -z ${anti_spambot_allowed_servers_ne_flag} ]; then anti_spambot_enable="no" fi
if [ -z ${shaped_ext_res_ne_flag} ] && [ -z ${shaped_users_ne_flag} ]; then shaper_enable="no" fi
if [ "$1" = "testmode" ]; then ipfw_cmd="echo ipfw" fi
#Loopback rules (required) ${ipfw_cmd} add pass all from any to any via lo0 // loopback ${ipfw_cmd} add deny all from any to // loopback ${ipfw_cmd} add deny all from to any // loopback
# Stop spoofing ${ipfw_cmd} add deny all from ${inet}:${imask} to any in via ${oif} // anti-spoofing ${ipfw_cmd} add deny all from ${onet}:${omask} to any in via ${iif} // anti-spoofing
#Apply deny_wan_hosts_acl for loop in ${deny_wan_hosts_acl} do echo $loop | ${grep_cmd} -v "^#" > ${dev_null} if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then ${ipfw_cmd} add deny all from $loop to any in via ${oif} // denied WAN IPs fi done
#Skip all incoming traffic up to divert rules ${ipfw_cmd} add skipto ${f_num_natb} all from any to any in via ${oif} // skip incoming traffic up to NAT
#Allow ICMP for all from inside ${ipfw_cmd} add skipto ${f_num_outshb} icmp from ${inet}:${imask} to any in via ${iif} // allow ICMP for any from inside
#Access from LAN
${ipfw_cmd} add ${f_num_acb} count all from any to any // begin access control block
#Allow SSH from LAN if you are accidentally add yourself in denied users list for loop in ${deny_lan_users_acl} do echo $loop | ${grep_cmd} -v "^#" > ${dev_null} if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then ${ipfw_cmd} add skipto ${f_num_stdb} tcp from ${inet}:${imask} to ${iip} 22 in via ${iif} // allow SSH from LAN for allowed users break fi done
#Apply deny_lan_users_acl for loop in ${deny_lan_users_acl} do echo $loop | ${grep_cmd} -v "^#" > ${dev_null} if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then ${ipfw_cmd} add deny all from $loop to any in via ${iif} // denied LAN IPs fi done
#Apply pass_lan_users_acl for loop in ${pass_lan_users_acl} do echo $loop | ${grep_cmd} -v "^#" > ${dev_null} if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then ${ipfw_cmd} add skipto ${f_num_aacb} all from $loop to any in via ${iif} // allowed LAN IPs fi done